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- Running two instances (5 Replies)
- Não esta criando tropas corretas (1 Reply)
- New Update Support? (1 Reply)
- Bot still only using 2 barracks (2 Replies)
- i have a problemeeee (3 Replies)
- Farmer not attacking! (4 Replies)
- New Updates on CoC (1 Reply)
- Disconnected due to inactivity (1 Reply)
- Some issue occured: Could not read troops Occupancy/Capacity (3 Replies)
- how do i get a image in my signature? (1 Reply)
- Focus on one resource only (1 Reply)
- cannot select wall auto upgrade (1 Reply)
- open two BS and CF? (1 Reply)
- Clearing Current Training Pipeline (1 Reply)
- Setings locked (1 Reply)
- stuck zooming out (1 Reply)
- Bot clicks fullscreen button often (2 Replies)
- what about Donations? (3 Replies)
- FAILED to Start Bot..... (5 Replies)
- Bot can't search targets (1 Reply)