If I set my search setting to 0 Gold, 0 Elixir, and say 1,000 DE and check off dead base only, will it only stop at bases with full DE Drills, or will the other resources collectors need to be 'dead' as well?
If not, could I suggest a 'Full DE Drill' option for search?
A dead base is a dead base. Regardless of how you set your minimum loot, it will be looking for dead bases. I have actually found that at th9, setting de requirement to 200 is not bad...average return is about 600de per attack (noting that sometimes you get 0 and sometimes you get 6k de). For th11, I don't put a DE requirement at all because it makes searches last into the thousands (which equals millions of gold lost searching). With 0 DE requirement, I generally pull more DE than my TH 9...I think due to the fact that in general, the TH10/11 bases usually have more and higher leveled drills.
Your DE drills will generally be full when your other collectors are also full, so not sure what that setting would accomplish-- other than wasting more gold, or having no effect at all.
(06-01-2016, 04:35 AM)jedarojr Wrote: [ -> ]Your DE drills will generally be full when your other collectors are also full, so not sure what that setting would accomplish-- other than wasting more gold, or having no effect at all.
Actually it would make an effect as the biggest difference is it takes 18hrs to have a full (maxed) DE Drill, where a full (maxed) Gold/Elixir collector is closer to 2.5 days!
So the bot could very well be skipping over full DE Drills all because the base as been 'dead' for 1 day, not 2+.
As a TH10, who would search out full DE Drills for TH9's to TH11's, that is a potential of 2100-4000 DE just sitting there that could be easy sniping, or a potential bonus in DE on top of DE in storage if you are doing a full raid army.
That's why I think it is an important search feature, especially when you are not worried about gold as much as DE.
I'm not sure what the exact qualifications are for dead, as my bot has had many raids where the elixir/gold are not completely full...probably for the same reason you just mentioned. However, if your goal is to submit a request feature, I would use that forum.
(06-01-2016, 11:59 PM)jedarojr Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure what the exact qualifications are for dead, as my bot has had many raids where the elixir/gold are not completely full...probably for the same reason you just mentioned. However, if your goal is to submit a request feature, I would use that forum.
Well before suggesting something I wanted to confirm it was or wasn't already an option. Which is why I ask the question...