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today night i use clash farmer ....but clash farmer search long time but did not find any dead base....after 340 search find a dead base,next search 194 then 98...what is the problem .
trophy range was -1000-2000
What trophy range i select in TH10????
i use free version
PLZ help me.....
(11-19-2016, 09:04 AM)sumandiu Wrote: [ -> ]today night i use clash farmer ....but clash farmer search long time but did not find any dead base....after 340 search find a dead base,next search 194 then 98...what is the problem .
trophy range was -1000-2000
What trophy range i select in TH10????
i use free version
PLZ help me.....

It sounds more like your search criteria is to high. Example: Having to have 800k gold before attacking. Without seeing your settings, that is the best assumption I can think of.
(11-19-2016, 09:04 AM)sumandiu Wrote: [ -> ]today night i use clash farmer ....but clash farmer search long time but did not find any dead base....after 340 search find a dead base,next search 194 then 98...what is the problem .
trophy range was -1000-2000
What trophy range i select in TH10????
i use free version
PLZ help me.....

Clashfarmer has no control over bases it finds when it hit next, as advised above try lowering your settinngs,

i have mines set too 100k gold/elixer/0 de & im finding bases, Not finding dead bases is a mix of bad luck & having setting to high, if you want to test clashfarmer is working correctly set gold & elixer to 1 each and turn off dead bases & clashfarmer should find a base every next
for TH9+ i recommend just to set the elexir about the amount you need to create the team (+50k).

my team costs about 90k elexir, so i set up 180k elexir, 0 gold, 0 DE - dead bases. (the idea behind that: everyone who has 180k elexir also has some gold and DE, but the search is way faster).

so i get around with about 20 searches, just sometimes it needs about 40 or more. works fine for me, pending between 1500 and 1800 trophys.

an example
1    10:06AM GOLD:   318,980 ELIXIR:   272,251 DARK:     0 TROPHIES:   9 SEARCHES:    1
2    10:08AM GOLD:   131,072 ELIXIR:   177,856 DARK:   266 TROPHIES: -23 SEARCHES:    2