03-08-2016, 08:39 PM

I use a program from CNET downloads called CCleaner. (free download)
Downloaded a recommeded version of CoC from clashfarmer forum
first i ran CCleaner and disabled/deleated the bluestacks agent in the startup section of CCleaner
restarted my computer
ran CCleaner and uninstalled bluestacks, i only use it for CoC
restarted my computer (might not be a necessary step)
reinstalled bluestacks
installed google play games from the main window( search)
configured Google play games to not do automatic updates (settings Menu)
Installed my previous version of CoC
CoC insisted that Google play and Google settings be updated(didnt matter ,
neither one affected automatic updates)
Ran and worked fine, bot is currently humming along
(03-08-2016, 04:16 PM)clarencechew Wrote:(03-07-2016, 07:08 AM)Chewbacca816 Yes, it works !! Wrote:(03-07-2016, 02:17 AM)princeali Wrote:(03-06-2016, 10:58 PM)houmie Wrote:do not need to stop auto update just delete the other clash and dowload the one from the link it fixed the crash issue for me. hope this help(03-06-2016, 10:40 PM)Kuma Wrote: In "Google Play Settings".
THere is no such thing in blue stack. Please post a screen shot."Google Play Settings"s
I took me a while to find "turn off auto updates"
Click the "Play Games" app
Swipe out from the left side showing the side bar
Click "Explore"
Click "play Store"
Swipe out from the left again showing the side bar
Go down and click on "settings"
There you can change the "Auto-update apps"
I hope this helps!!!